General – Dynalist API v1 Documentation
secret tokenを取得すれば自分のデータにアクセスできる。
https://apidocs.dynalist.io/#document-level-api を使う例
const token = 'hoge'; // secret tokenをここに入れる(うっかり公開しないように注意)
const fileId = 'fuga'; // ファイルのURL(https://dynalist.io/d/fuga)のfugaの部分を入れる
fetch('https://dynalist.io/api/v1/doc/read', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
token: token,
'file_id': fileId,
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
// dataを使って任意の処理
返ってくるデータの例(Get content of a document – Dynalist API v1 Documentationより)
// code:example.json
"_code": "OK",
"_msg": "",
"file_id": "<document id>",
"title": "Todo list",
"version": 15,
"nodes": [
"id": "<node[1]id>",
"content": "Buy milk",
"note": "2L whole milk",
"created": 1552959309804, // timestamp in milliseconds of the creation time
"modified": 1552959335182, // timestamp in milliseconds of the last modified time
"children": []
"id": "<node[2]id>",
"content": "Send Jason photos",
"note": "",
"checked": true,
"checkbox": true, // whether this item has checkbox
"color": 4, // color label, 0~6
"heading": 3, // heading level, 0~3
"created": 1552959309804,
"modified": 1552959335182,
"collapsed": true,
"children": [
"id": "<node[3]id>",
"content": "Picnic photos",
"note": "",
"created": 1552959309904,
"modified": 1552959359783
"children": []